Paradigm Shift: Collaborative Divorce
Attorney Tami L. Augen Rhodes along with her Husband, Certified Divorce Financial Analyst and Certified Financial Planner, Rick Rhodes, attended the Interdisciplinary Collaborative Practice Training with the Florida Collaborative Trainers. Tami is thrilled to be able to offer the Firm's Marital and Family Law clients and potential clients the opportunity to participate in this meaningful, respectful approach to resolving family law matters.
From a financial perspective, Rick believes that the use of a neutral financial professional in the divorce or family law process makes sense because the numbers are what they are. As Rick puts it, "both parties are able to preserve their resourses and, as a result, their mutually respectful relationship, when they agree to participate in a collaborative process and utilize one neutral financial professional who can work with the team and the parties in a manner that is more than simply cooperative, it is truly collaborative!"
This process has fantatastic potential. When the attorneys and their respective clients are committed to the collaborative process, the individuals are able to move past the past and into a future filled with an enhanced ability to heal, co-parent, and flourish after the collaborative process is concluded.